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Top 10 Free Application for Astronomy (Discovering the World)

You like astronomy? Getting your smartphone in love with a star. While we used to turn to the book of astronomy and telescopes home to observe the constellations and planetary bodies, now we have an application for it, scratch it, we had 10 applications for your iOS or Android device to help locate stars, planets, satellites and stations space.

Many of these applications using augmented reality combined camera device to show you exactly where the stars are. You can point your camera device to the sky and find the position of the stars and constellations. You can use this application to find out more information about the study of celestial bodies, or plan ahead for your activities astronomy.

1. Star Chart

Addition of augmented reality apps like Star Chart affords the user, the application is going the extra mile when it comes to time, 10,000 years forward or backward in time. You can also change the location to view the night sky from any other point on Earth, and in-app purchases unlock enhanced star catalog, meteor showers, comets, etc.
Platform: iOS | Android
Star Chart


2. NASA App

Likes to catch up on what NASA are working on? This NASA app makes you in the loop about the latest NASA mission plus images (updated every day), news, features, tweet, satellite tracking and even a live stream of NASA TV. It also has information about the launch, a countdown clock and track the ISS sighting opportunities.
Platform: iOS | Android

3. Night Sky Lite

Although the information you get from these applications see the stars, at the end of the night, all we want is for star gazing. The application comes with a community that shows the location of seeing big stars around the world. In addition, also check the weather conditions for night to come so that you know if it is worth staying the night for stargazing.
Platform: iOS | Android
Night Sky


4. SkyView Free

SkyView uses a rear camera to provide information such as track names objects in the sky and the bright lights you see. You can also search and find a specific star or the space station. Like something you see and would like to share with the world? Sharing is active on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Platform: iOS

5. GoSkyWatch Planetarium

The application is available exclusively for iPad. With a large screen, and a 180 degree view, it shows you information about the star or planet that you can see with the naked eye. Planet shown in relative brightness. Touch the sky to pop up objects that contain information about the object.
Platform: iOS

6. ISS Detector

Did you know that you can see the International Space Station (ISS), with the naked eye? This application can tell you the ISS Detector alarm with 5 minutes ahead of time before the ISS passes. With the purchase in - app, it also lets you keep track of the space station Tiangong, the Hubble space telescope, satellites and comets as well.
Platform: Android
ISS Detector

7. Sky Map

With Google Sky Map and Compass uses GPS data to accurately identify objects in the sky you are pointing the phone. It can take you to a part of the sky you have to observe, to find the object you want or you can 'travel time' and find out where the object will be at a different (later) curfew.
Platform: Android
Sky Map

8. SkEye Astronomy

With this application installed, you can strap to your telescope OTA to guide you where to look. The database has 180 bright objects, Messier objects, planets in our solar system and you can use Time Machine object to jump ahead and plan your evening astronomy.
Platform: Android

9. Star & Planet Finder

Pick a star, planet or satellite from the list and it will show you where it is to use your device's camera back and pointing you in the right direction. Free choice comes only a few planets, but if you want an application, you can open other stars and satellites with in-app purchase.
Platform: iOS
Star & Planet

10. Satellite Augmented Reality

If for some reason you wanted to observe and track satellites instead of natural objects sky, these applications can help you track the path and location of satellites orbiting the earth. You can search through the database to find what you want, and then point your device to the sky and it will show you where it is.
Platform: Android
Satellite AR

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